issb complete information


ISSB COMPLETE information

Inter Service Selection Board – ISSB COMPLETE PROCEDURE

5 Day Programs 

The Candidates are called through “Call Letters” to appear in 5 days Tests at SSB 

4 Categories of Tests :


1. Screening Test
2. Psychological Test
3. Group Testing Officers (GTO) Test
4. Interview

Screening Test (First Day)

After the individual has filled in certain Forms and also the Bio Data forms known as “Personal Information Questionnaire” (PIQ), the candidates will undergo two types of tests as under.

1. Verbal and Non-Verbal Tests INTELLIGENCE TEST as in Preliminary or Initial selection.

Note :

Once the Screening Test is over, the results are declared within 15-30 MINUTES of the completion of the test. Those who clear the test are required to stay back for the next 4 days and the remaining persons are dropped back at the Railway Station for their return journey.

Psychological Test (Second day)

These tests are in four parts as under :

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) – Commonly known as Picture Story writing.

Word Association Test (WAT)

Situation Reaction Test (SRT)

Self Description Test (SD)

Group Testing Officers (GTO) Test (Third and Fourth day)

The following tests are conducted in this caregory :

Group discussion

Group Planning Exercise (sometimes known as Military Planning Exercise)

Progressive Group Tasks

Half Group Tasks

Individual Obstacles

Command Task

Final Group Task

Interview : (Held during afternoon/evening hours on 2nd/3rd/4th day).


Note : Brief details of these tests will be covered subsequently.

Board Meeting (Fifth day)

The candidates are required to appear before the complete Board of Examiners comprising of President, Dy President, all the psychologists, all the GTO’s and Technical Officer. After the Board Meeting is over, the final result is declared within ½ an hour.

Selected candidates are required to stay back for their medical examination (takes about 3 to 5 days) in the Military Hospital near by or at a different place and the remaining candidates are dropped at the Railway Station for their return journey.







The Thematic Story writing will be 12 in all. 11 of them are having some picture and one does not have any. You will get about 3 minutes for each story. Do not write stereotype stories. Try different theme for different stories. Remember you are the Hero; the aim should be to bring out leadership qualities of the hero through these stories.
The Qualities that you are to project through your stories are:-


Only during the perception test you are required to give The age, sex, mood, and number of group of the persons you see in the picture. Your story should such that it suits the picture yet tells The past is that what led to this situation What is happening in the picture? What will happen in the future?



Your Handwriting is the mirror to judge your quality. Write neatly and legibly.Since these tests are designed to calculate your IQ, try and complete,as many questions as possible; but at the same time, do not do so without thinking sufficiently. Even75% of the questions answered correctly will see you thorough. Since every test is co-related, be positive in what you write.Your pen picture should tally with your thoughts pen down.Since you are being compared with all other candidates your best performance will take you to your ultimate Goal.

WAT Word Association Test: Write the first positive thought that comes to your mind.Time given is 15 seconds to write. The sentence need not be grammatically correct or the word used just to write a sentence. Remember this is not a Make a sentence type exam.This is designed to test your inner thoughts. So be careful in what ever you write.
SRT (Situational Reaction Test) the tests contain day-to-day practical incidents that you will be facing in your real life.Write what actions you, Will be taking incase you are in those situations.There are no right or wrong answers; best approach is to write a positive yet a good citizen will do. Here your qualities such as Courage, helping attitude, empathy, responsibility, social interaction, boldness, honesty etc are tested. Write down the answers on a sheet of paper so thatyou can compare the same with some suggestions. (Never copy the suggestions for it might lead you to wrong conclusions)
Please take the Practice test.


Every candidate will be asked to write a slf- appraisal during the psychological test. This will be the last part of the Psychological test. The aim of this is to make you commit about your-self regarding your knowledge about your-self.

The usual headings under which you will be asked to give out the appraisal is:-
a) What is you personal opinion about your self?
b) What does your parents think of you?
c) What does your best friend think about you?
d) What does your worst enemy think of you?
e) What does your teacher think of you?
f) What are your strong points?
g) What are your weak points?
h) What are the qualities you would like to develop?
Tips: Go systematic. Suggested headings:
i) About your parents and place of birth and family background
ii) Physical Attributes
iv) Social Contacts
v) Education
vi) Extra curricular activities , achievements
vii) Your aims and goals. Both short term and long term
viii) Religion

An example of Self-Appraisal

About parents and place of birth: I was born and brought up at Coimbatore, an urban township in the western part of Tamil Nadu. My parents are moderately educated. We belong to a middle class family. My father is a businessman and mother is a housewife. I have an elder brother who is working as a software engineer in PUNE.
Physical Aspects: I am Medium built, and 5 feet 8 inches tall. As I used to take part in sports events and am used to regular exercise I am physically fit. I do not remember to have taken ill except for some minor ailments. I go for Jogging every morning before I start my studies. Evening one hour of sports activity keeps me in shape.
Social Contacts: I have a number of good friends. They have confidence in me and I am an extrovert by nature. We take part in the college functions. None of our vacations with out our trekking trips to local hillocks and far off villages around Coimbatore. I like to mix around make friends. We do organize Blood donation/health check up camps and hold children entertainment functions during Aug 15 every year in our neighborhood.
Education: I did my initial schooling at _________. I was groomed by my parents to pay attention towards my studies, sports and was encouraged to take part in school cultural activities. As a result of my father's encouragement, I used to take p[art in school debate/quiz competition. I always like some challenges from my classmates, whether it is studies or sports. I have always scored good marks and stood within the first three ranks in the class. I have won prizes for Elocution, sports events. I am now doing my final semester in BE Electronics at PSG Engineering College. I got admission after a tough entrance examination, in which I scored285 out of 300 marks. My ambition is to become an Officer in the Indian Air Force in
Technical Branch.
Extra curricular activities: Sight seeing and trekking has always been my passion. I am a member of my college senior wing of NCC. I am an Under Officer and represented the college and took part in the Republic day parade held at New Delhi during 26 Jan 2002.
As per my hobby, I collect handicraft items made by villagers. Till date I have visited 11 Villages in the tribal area of Coimbatore, and collected about 14 items. I help my parents to look after our daily house hold work and take time to help my mother to clean up the house, a few hours on Sundays. I keep a daily journal, which helps me to write articles for my college magazine keep a "DO IT TODAY List" on my computer, which help me to organize my day and all other activities. The Internet browsing is yet another hobby of mine. I use it to communicate with m friends as well read about my subject matter.
Achievements: While at School I had won prizes in Elocution, debate and essay writing.
I have taken part in English, Hindi and Tamil Elocutions. I was the school athletics champion for three continuous years from 1997-2000. Represented College at NCC Republic Day camp in the year 2002, and Leadership course at Mt Pachmari I 2001.
Adjusted as best athlete in college in the Year 2001. I have been selected to represent the university, for presenting my paper and " Robotics in space mission."
Religion: I treat all religion as equal. I have friends from all religions; I attend their religious functions. I believe in the fact God is one , in which ever form he may be worshiped. I have a learned to give tolerance to all religions from my mother, who too has kept the images of gods of all religions in our prayers room.


By carefully following the suggestions you will be able to Project your OLQ (Officer Like Qualities) to the selectors at the Services
Selection Board.
Remember to be natural and calm, be your self, do your best, put the interest of the group before your own, and always be alert. By being yourself your qualities are easily seen by the selectors. All the selectors are well trained, so please do not use any unfair means are bluff.
What do they judge at SSB in Group Tasks ?
A) Assessment of Candidate's Participation within the formulated Rules
B) Planning and Intelligent Assessment of the situation
C) Inidividual Quality in context to the Group
D) Assuming control of a Group to execute a task
E) Assess the problem from different angles
F) Assign responsibility to Team mates
G) Ability to realise the Potential of Group Members
H) Capacity to motivate others
I) Alertness
J) Creative Thinking
K) Putting the Group before the Self
L) Helping Tendency
M) Originality of Thought
N) Quick Decision Making
O) Cooperation with Others
P) Group Integration
Q) Planning and Execution
R) Leadership Initiative



1.Selection Board (No & Place) Batch No Chest No UPSC Roll No
2. Name in CAPITALS as in application form
3. Father's Name
4. (a) Place of maximum residence
(b) Present Address (With Approximate
population of the City/town/village)
(c) Permanent Address (With Approximate
population of the City/town/village)
(Whether District HQ or Not)
5.Fill in the details below:
State & District Religion WhetherSC/ST Mother Tongue Date of Birth

6.(a) Parents Alive Yes/No
(b) If not alive your age at the time of Father's/Mother's Death
(c) Parents/Guardians Occupation /Income (As applicable)
Particulars Education Occupation Income per Month
No of brothers
No of sisters
Your ranking amongst your brother and sister
7. Educational Record(Commencing from matriculation /Equivalent Examination):-
S.No QualificationAcquired Name of Institute Year Division&Marks% Medium ofInstruction
Boarder/DayScholar Out Standing Achievement if any
a) Matric/Higher Secondary
b) 10+2
c) B.A/B.Sc/B.Com
d) Professional
8. Age ( Year & Months) / Height (in Metre) Weight (in Kilograms)
(a) N.C.C Training _________________________________________ Yes/No
(b) Total Training (if Yes) (Give details below)
Total Training Wing Division Certificate Obtained
11. a) Participation in Games & Sports
Games/Sports Period or Duration of Participation Represented School/College/University
OutstandingAchievement, if any
c) Participation in Extra curricular activities :-
Name of the activity group Duration of Participation Outstanding achievement if any
d) Position of responsibility/Offices held in NCC/Scouting
Sports team/Extra-curricular group and other fields:-
(a) Nature of Commission
(b) Choice of Service
13. Number if chances availed for commission in all three services
14. Details of last interview ,if any (Air Force/Navy/Army Selection Board)
S.No Type of Entry Place and ISSBNo Date Batch and ChestNo Recommended/Not


Follow the suggestions to get clear the interviews, Your answers come under
the Candidates Reaction and the right way of answering comes under Suggestion

Candidates reactions: a) Peace overcomes war
b) War is destruction
c) I hate war
d) War means bloodshed
Suggestion: Love Peace, but be prepared for war
Candidate: a) Every one loves peace (Acceptable)
b) I love peace
c) Peace brings Progress ( Very Good)
Candidate: a) work is worship
b) Hard work pays (Acceptable)
c) Hardwork leads to success (Very Good)
d) Work while you work play while you play (Avoid using proverbs)


Candidate a) Defeat the enemy
b) Defeat the defeat
c) Defeat -dont get upset
d) Dont get depressed by defeats (Acceptable)
Suggestion: a) Defeat teaches us lessons.
b) Analyse causes of defeat to succeed
Candidate: a) I Love my Country (Good)
b) Serving our country is Nobel (Acceptable)
c) Its our duty to safeguard our country (A)
d) Country first self next
6.HOME Suggestion:. Home teaches us Manners
7 . Luck plus hardwork leads to success
8 . Ghost stories are famous in England
9 . Always trust your leader
10 . Enjoy good company of friends
11 . Playground teaches us many lessons
12 . Character is a virtue
13 . A part from studies involve in sports
14 . Happiness overcomes sadness
15 . Dont worry about failures
16 . success is the fruit of hardwork
17 . My garden has many kinds of flowers
18 . Indian army is known for its patriotism
19 .Music can cure diseases
20 . India won the kargil war
21 . Jogging keeps us in good health
22 . Its our custom to respect elders
23 . I have great affection towards my parents
24 . Fortune and hardwork makes one succeed
25 . Engineers are capable of rectifying faults
26 . Snakes poison is used as medicine
27 . ALways help others
28 . Co-operate with your neighbours
29 . I am a responsible person
30 . Yesterday I withdrew my savings to help the poor
31 . When intrested in work one feels seldom tired
32 . Soldiers risk their life for their motherland
33 . Boats are used to cross dangerous rivers
34 . Fail;ure is steeping stone for success
35 . Fight for a noble cause
36 . Every problem has a solution
37 . Machine is backbone of industry.
38 . Leaders always leads
39 .Education system in india is good
40 . Dont be afraid of obstacles
41 . Take things seriously and work
42 . Child was saved when he was drowned in the river
43 . Analyse the situation and jump into action
44 . Opinions always differ
45 . Exercise protects us from diseases

Story Writing Tips       


Thematic writing is given to judge your imagination and positive thoughts.
When you start writing the story remeber the following:
The story should have a Past
the present (i.e what is happening in the scene)
The Future.
In the story the hero/heroien may be seen/or imagined
the hero should bring out his good quality. ie that any one of the 15 OLQ already told to you in
this SSB Handbbok
The story should be about 12 to 15 sentences
3 for Past
6 for Present
3 for future
In the picture no 1.
Mr. Ram was an hard working and intelligent young man.
His aim was to become a collector, he started his preparation from his final year at the college.
In the picture we see him preparing for the forth coming prelim.
Being a maticulas and a student of forsight, he had collected thematerials for the test. His
hard workl and didication had paid him. He passed the exam with flying colours
He continued his hard work in the academy too, and he passed out as the best IAS officer in
his course.

Dos and Donts @ ISSB

1. On arrival introduce your self to the reception staff and show your documents.
2. Make as many friends as possible at the reception center itself.
3. Remember you are being judged by your own batch mates right from the word go. Behave like a perfect Gentleman.
4. Keep a record of all the Bio data, for you will need this to fill up your arrival info form.
5. Do not give any false statement.
6. Always dress up neatly and appear smart. Before you leave your room spend a minute in front of the mirror. A man / woman is judged by others, by what he wears and what he speaks.
7. At the railway station itself buy a city guide it will help you to know about the city and its places of importance, bus route, train timings etc.,
8. Always address the group as Gentlemen, or friends. His/her chest number allotted by the board, should be used. (During Discussion and test only.)
9. Know each indl of your group by name his qualification; this will help you during GTOs Task. Try and become popular with them.
10. Take initiative, be co-operative. Listen to others. As the time is at premium during discussions, speak up. Be bold and express your self clearly be brief and do not repeat what others have said. It is better to speak either first or second, so that you will have an opportunity to put forward your points.
11. During Psychological tests, Always write positive sentences/story it should bring out the officer like qualities (of which you have been taught.)
12. During interview if you do not know any answer politely say "I am sorry Sir, I don't Know."
13. Be calm, cool and attentive. Smile while you enter the interviewing room and also say thank you, at the time of departure. Your handshake should be firm.
14. The interviewing officer is a qualified gentleman, never bluff, you will get caught and spoil you chances of success.
15. Be confident, rehearse some favorite questions.

1. No lies/false hood please.
2. You have no bad points except to over work to get perfection in any task under taken.
3. Do not Waste your time unnecessarily read some magazines.
4. Don't be tense take it easy, always think before you answer.

Group Planning

You are a group of Nine college students, all of you went to River Kasi for enjoying a boat ride.
While you were going for boating, you saw a school bus carrying children for picnic spot near
the River. When you started boating down the river, you you saw an Helicopter flying very low
and crashed near Fort, which was 2 kms away from your location. You also noticed that there
was a lot of hue and cry of small children, who got stuck in the cable car just near to your boating
site. Two of your friends who went to investigate the Helicopter crash reported to you stating,
that the Pilot was injured and a box, which he was carrying was to be delivered to ATC by 1500
hours, if not it would explode. The cable operator rushed towards you, and requested you to help him
out to repair the cable car and rescue the children. One of your friends told you that he had left his
wallet containing money and important address in the near by teashop. You were also required to reach
the college hostel to attend the function at 1700 hours. The time now is 1430 hours.
Write your actions and discuss a suitable solution.
Assume resources available are
a) a Jeep
b) traffic on the road
c) Phone at Local Hospital which is 6 Kms away from your location.
d) Road head is 2Kms from you
e) Fort is 4 kms away from you

An interview is a face-to-face meeting, especially for the purposed of assessing the candidate for the job applied for. It aims at evaluating your academic knowledge, awareness or current topics, communication skills, the clarity of thought and expression and sense of balance, and ability to extricate you from tricky situation.

ISSB's: One of the most fundamental factors that contribute to the successful interview is the time and quality of preparation made by. Normally the President/ Vice President of the Services Selection Board will conduct the personal Interview. They are very senior Officer from the Armed forces. Degree of preparedness for an interview helps reduce the uncertain anxiety prior to the Interview.. The amount of effort you wish to put into preparation is directly proportional to your out put at the interview. How to plan your preparation ? Preparation develops Confidence and gears you for the anticipated grilling. Prepare the following:


How to Tackle?


Write down in a neat and legible handwriting the PIQ form given to you (Please copy it down it is given in this CD). Try to put down everything in an orderly and crisp manner. Revise your Bio-data thoroughly. Try to form your own questions based on it. Answer them to your full satisfaction. Check your Bio-Date for grammatical and spelling error. Remember discerning interviewer expects Zero error in the Bio-Data.Try and collect as much information about the City in which you live, your School, College, place of interview and places you have visited. Be sure regarding your hobbies. For example, if you have written reading as a hobby, be sure about what you have been reading. Interviewer expects a serious reply. He expects the names of the authors and then will ask questions based on their themes. A serious reader will score over others who refer cheap detective, thriller novels. The logic holds good for any other hobby you have mentioned in your PIQ.Be clear of your favorite subject and area of you interest in the subject, which you are/have specialized.

Refresh your knowledge. Then interviewer might ask you a few technical questions.A well-groomed look gives an image of thoroughness and professional look.Your achievements should be brought out in a systematic order as and when you are asked about it.Follow the normal etiquette for the interview., Wait for the officer to speak first- Listen carefully before you speak. Take a few long breaths this will calm down your nerves, after listening to the question carefully, clarify your doubts if any, before you answer the question.Think well before you answer. For more questions will follow your answers.
The New Technique adopted at the SSB Interview is RAPID FIRE questions. Listen to the questions carefully. Think well before you answer, elaborate your answers and tactfully take him on to your strong points. Do not over emphasize them.

Be very clear in your thought and expression. Don't speak in a low voice, be loud enough so that interviewer don't have to strain their ears.Be brief, brevity is the hallmark of a good communicator. Answer all the questions in a sequence.If you don't know an answer be Honest. The Interviewer will respect integrity and honesty.NEVER Exaggerate.Never boast about anything including your achievements.Never enter into an argument with the interviewer on any topic.

Must Know these Stuffs:

1 The rank structure of the forces
2 The current events
3 Knowledge about your town
4 Your projects
5 Why you want to join the forces?
6 What will you do in case you do not get selected at selected?
7 (this is to see how determined you are in achieving your aim.)
8 Have a plan B in case you exhaust all the chances then you will
9 Take up ------- job.
10 When the interviewer asks you to organize a trekking event remember the following points; or any other event the heading under which you can cover the preparations are:
11 Initial Preparation
12 Venue
13 Event
14 Specific Items need for the event.
15 Communication
16 On the day
17 Hospitality
18 Budget
19 Keeping the journal and recording the event
20 After the event
21 Maintain proper Eye contact with the person who asks you the Question. This shows your Confidence and honesty.
22 Avoid using frequently words and phrases like" I mean", " You know", "well", "as such" etc.
23 In the end you want to ask the officer any questions plese do so, if not then so politely "I have no questions to ask you sir."
24 Last but not the least, BE NATURAL. When the interview ends.
If offered a Handshake, do so, if not just say, "Thank you for the
wonderful evening and put the chair back to its original position before leaving. Leave the place with a warm smile and a nod of head. Close the door gently and leave the room.

Your Appearance..

Appearance makes the man. You should dress up for the occasion. Most of the time you will be asked to attend the Interview in the PT. Kit it is better for you to keep a small pocket Comb and a neat and clean Handkerchief. Freshen up yourself before you set foot in the interviewers room. Your warm smile, excellent etiquette and a firm handshake will be starting point.As we have
brought out earlier, RAPID Fire questions are the order of the. It means you will be asked to answer a number of questions after listening to them just once. Please listen to the question carefully. If you have not understood the question then ask for the clarification. Try and answer the questions in the same sequence as put forth to you. Since the distance between you and the interviewing officer would be about 6 feet, you are expected to talk in a loud and clear voice. Take your time think and answer questions.DO NOT TELL A LIE. You will be caught.

Interviewing Officers are usually hold the Rank of Colonel or its equivilant rank in the Navy/Air Force.Here are some of the tips which you wil find it useful while facing the Interviewing officer:
a) Be tidy and well dressed. Wear simple clothes but willo fitting clothes.Do not wear Jewllery
b)On entering the room wish the panel and do what they say.
c) Do not get over anxious. A minor degree of nerveousness is expected from everyone.
d) Be Yourself
e) Be polite and use words like "Please", "Sir", Do not sound egoistic.
f) Be natural and never convey extravagant ideas like " I would die for my country" or " The best profession is the Defence Forces ".
g) Do not lie or beat around the bush. If you are not sure of thre answer say that uyou do not know. You are not going to be penalized for say it.
h) Be brief, loud and clear.
i) The major questions like Why do you want to join the Army/Navy/Air Force?. There are no perfect answer to this question. While answering it try to convey 4 or 5 facts such as:
i. Defence services offers a Challange to a young person
ii. Merit is given due recognition in te Forces.
iii. I will get an opportuniyt to learn and exprience the latest technological inventions.
iv. I like an out door life rather than a 10 to 5 desk job.
v. I will get an opporunity to mingle with all sorts of people and persons from different parts of the country.
vi. In my opinioin the Uniformed forces offers reasonable pay and perks
vii. One of the most respected professions in Indian is that of a soldier.

j) Be truthful in stating your hobbies. be prepared to answer questions about it.
k) High light your achievement in sports, NCC and other extra curricular activites.
l) Current affairs be a regualr reader of magazines and news paper.
m) When a situation is given to you think and answer be very specific and answer in the most practical way.
n) Thasnk the Officer for hois time before you leave the room.


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